Elvis, Kenny Rogers, and P-F Curves


As a maintenance and reliability consultant, and as someone who is certified by the Society of Maintenance and Reliability Professionals as a Certified Maintenance and Reliability Professional, I often come under fire for being a little to pedantic when explaining the P-F Curve to a client. So let’s take a few minutes and back up [...]

Elvis, Kenny Rogers, and P-F Curves2015-10-01T08:17:51-04:00

KPIs and Distribution Center Maintenance


With the demand of individual online orders accelerating, distribution centers are struggling to maintain their ability to service store fulfillment orders. This growth has distribution centers running 24/7 just to keep up, putting strain on the equipment and limiting time for repairs. […]

KPIs and Distribution Center Maintenance2015-09-23T08:52:07-04:00

September Employee Anniversaries


You are…terrifically tireless, exceptionally excellent, abundantly appreciated, and magnificent beyond words! So glad you’re a part of our Team. Happy Anniversary! Celebrating anniversaries this month include: Mike Gunn – 6 years on 9/01 JoAnne Gregory – 5 years on 9/07 Jennifer Richardson – 8 years on 9/17 Darrell Richardson – 7 years on 9/19 Jerry [...]

September Employee Anniversaries2015-09-10T10:55:57-04:00

Should I Do the Maintenance or Just Buy New Equipment?


Are you are a Facility or Maintenance Manager? If so, then you have certainly faced the difficult choice between spending limited resources, maintaining equipment, or letting it “run-to-failure.” Applying preventive […]

Should I Do the Maintenance or Just Buy New Equipment?2015-09-02T08:13:29-04:00

Technical Procedures Get a Fitting Makeover


Assuming that your company places high value on maximizing profits and reliability (and, really, what company doesn’t?), then your maintenance management systems, supply chain control, project planning, work order tracking, and most other services long ago went digital. The digital revolution can be seen in the myriad of digital CMMS, MRP, project planning, and other [...]

Technical Procedures Get a Fitting Makeover2015-08-26T08:18:36-04:00

Sometimes All You Need is the Right Training Program


By now, you have probably heard some variation of the phrase, “30% of the workers do 70% of the work.” This number comes from a Gallup poll published back in 2011 that states that only 30% of employees are engaged. […]

Sometimes All You Need is the Right Training Program2015-08-19T08:29:02-04:00

The Evolution of Documentation


Ensuring facility documentation meets modern standards requires more than just updating them from time-to-time. It is understood that documents, if allowed to become so outdated they have the reliability and readability of the Dead Sea Scrolls, will be useless to technicians when needed. Beyond keeping documents current, though, having quality facility documentation means allowing your [...]

The Evolution of Documentation2015-08-12T12:33:19-04:00

How to Use a Job/Task Analysis (JTA) for Employee Rewards


Proper evaluation of a job’s value (worth) must relate the identified tasks, duties, skill and knowledge requirements, which were gleaned from the job/task analysis, with the qualifications for a successful job performance.  Without the proper job data, you cannot properly determine a position’s value. […]

How to Use a Job/Task Analysis (JTA) for Employee Rewards2015-08-05T08:22:12-04:00
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